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La Speranzanonostante l’imminente crisi idrica

In the next 20 years, scientists have predicted a severe shortage of drinking water on the planet. By 2020, it is estimated that 20% of the world population will have no drinking water supply. Therefore, it is essential that the preservation of water is on the agenda and priority of every human being on the planet. However, there are small actions that may one day ricoprireruoli important in this crisis. Adopt simple filters for drinking water is no longer sufficient. In other words, the water is too polluted. Solutions Acqualysprovenienti Italy are carrying a load of courage that can help in the production of drinking water for the nations. Acqualys isresponsible local distributor for Waterlogic, the international leader in the production and marketing of water dispensers connected to the water network. The technology impiegataoggi, may one day play an important role in the next water crisis.

Acqualys Water Solutions

This company is the Italian distributor for Waterlogic. I am very capaciin what they do, ie, to provide clean water economically advantageous tender in an environmentally friendly way. They have a wide range of products that are suitable for small businesses of about 20 people up to larger references as public vending machines. The Company’s products are suitable for domestic use currently ‘under development. Acqualys also distributes a machine for sparkling water, otherwise known as soda. Not only is able to provide ‘sparkling water’, but there are dispensers that are able to provide hot water, hot roll or cold water dispensers exclusively to meet most of the requirements. In this way, Acqualys has a range of products suitable for each different type of business. Slowly stannocostruendo an international presence.

The water consumption in the future

Not only humans must preserve the existing water, but they also need to recover the water used in other applications as possibile.Di here the ever-increasing need for Water Treatment Plants and Waste Management. Like it or not, the water is a renewable resource in assolutonon currently in possession to mankind. Should seek to consider the generations that verrannodopo us and not riesciranno to preserve this vital resource. Because humanity has a future, we need fresh water. Today, it is common that a quote that “drinking water is the resource on which it will fight the wars in the near future. ‘Let us not ignore this crisis, but we also do everything in our power to support Acqualys and other operatoriche bring forward this sea change.
Garanzia di purezza

Acqualys è il distributoredei prodotti Waterlogicper l’ Italia. Waterlogic è il leader mondiale nella depurazione delle acque e la loro promessa di fondo è la garanzia di un grado di purezza al 99,9999% – che risulta essere più che sufficiente per tutte le nostre esigenze.

Ciascun distributore di acqua è inoltre dotato di un APMS – AutomaticProtection Management System, ovvero un sistema di controllo che monitora costantemente il funzionamento di ogni erogatore, ed in caso di guasto, da un avviso tramite il display e interrompe l’erogazione di acqua. Così non c’è più bisogno di preoccuparsi di eventuali contaminazione quando utilizzi le soluzioni di Acqualys.

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