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Fête des lumières. Viaggio luminoso tra le strade di Lione

Lione presenta Lumiere. L’originalità artistica, l’innovazione tecnica e la responsabilità ambientale sono i focus dell’edizione 2012 dei uno dei Festival di Luce più importanti a livello internazionale, la Fête des lumières. Protagonisti artisti nazionali e internazionali che per quattro giorni, dal 6 al 9 dicembre, hanno illuminato le strade, le piazze, le architetture della città regalando atmosfere magiche e scenari suggestivi. Un viaggio virtuale tra le installazioni più belle
É dedicata “alla regina del giorno, la luce“, l’installazione HightLights di Hélène Richard e Jean-Michel Quesne: strisce luminose, segni colorati, figure al neo rimbalzano da una parete a un’altra creando scenografie inaspettate che coinvolgono gli spettatori. La città di Lione omaggia il Giappone con l’operaKokeshi de soie di Annelore Parot. Protagoniste le classiche bambole orientali rivestite con tessuti preziosi. All’interno nascondono un tesoro, la luce. Il cuore, simbolo e icona del designer spagnolo Agatha Ruiz de la Prada diventa un oggetto colorato, luminoso e tridimensionale. È il Corazon, una struttura 6,5 metri per 6 che galleggia a due metri d’altezza. Le Roi des Dragons è l’installazione colorata di Bibi, artista famoso per le grandi opere plastiche che richiamano la natura e il mondo animale. A Lione presenta un grande drago di color rosso dalla cui bocca escono fumi psichedelici e lanci di luce. Continua a leggere su Archilight: Lyons presents its Fête des lumières. Artistic originality, technical innovation and environmental responsibility were the highlights of the 2012 edition of one of the most important Light Festival in the world, the Fête des lumières. The stars of the show were national and international artists who, for four days, from December 6th to 9th, illuminated the city’s streets, squares, and architectures, creating magical atmospheres and emotional scenarios. A virtual tour through the most beautiful installations
The installation called Highlights by Hélène Richard and Jean-Michel Quesne was dedicated to the “queen of daytime, light“: luminous strips, coloured signs, and neon figures bounce from one wall to the other creating unexpected settings engaging spectators. The city of Lyons paid tribute to Japan with the work Kokeshi de soieby Annelore Parot. The protagonists of this installation were the classical oriental dolls wearing precious fabrics. The installation concealed an unexpected treasure: light. The heart, the symbol and icon of the Spanish designer Agatha Ruiz de la Prada turns into a colourful, luminous and three-dimensional object. It was Corazon, and presented itself as structure 6.5 metres tall and 6 metres wide, floating at two metres above ground. Le Roi des Dragons was the colourful installation by Bibi, the artist most famous for the big plastic works that imitate nature and the animal world. In Lyons, he presented a huge red dragon spraying psychedelic fumes and beams of light out of its mouth. Correspondances was the installation by Alain Benini: messages, letters, luminous messages covered the sign of an old hospital praised by the artist. It is an encounter between past and experimentation. The new Hotel de Region turned into a giant greenhouse, where nature was the leading character. A giant flower was projected onto the hotel façade that changed shape according to the hours of the day and weather conditions. They were the Jardins Intèrieurs by the designer Cozten where light played with the transparency of exteriors. More on Archilight:

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